A System of Interiority
Hand-shredded silk flower, cement stones, mirrors, tempered glass panels, dirt, black glitters, and broken pots
Lighting panel and controller designed by Rebecca Makus
Get This! Gallery | Atlanta, Georgia
Photography by Christina Price Washington
“it becomes possible that the tears triggered by memories; the weight of fear and weightless of love;
all actually suggests matter, as material presence, that exists beyond our purview.”
- Excerpt from “A System of Interiority” by Kristin Juarez
Hur’s A System of Interiority invites her collaborators, Rebecca Makus, Kristin Juarez, Lilly Lampe, and Ruiyan Xu, and the audience into honest introspection as she examines her own interior. Hur places hand-shredded silk flowers on top of two large sheets of tempered glass. Underneath is a dark landscape comprised of dirt, black glitter, black shredded silk flowers, and broken pots. Lighting designer, Makus, carefully infuses a wide spectrum of artificial light to shift the ambiance and perspective of the material and space. With multiple reflections occurring both through tempered glass and upon mirrors, A System of Interiority merges the audience and space into a landscape of rupture, exposure, and inevitable illusion.
This project also includes Hur’s Systematic Flood Series drawings.
“A romantic poet with a minimalist’s toolbox, Hur operates within a subversively Zen framework, equally propelled by the churning of her own interior life as well as the need to schematize it within a web of neatly organized lines. Suspended within an assortment of simultaneous opposites — between seduction and resistance, between the definitive and the elusive, between things contained and things falling apart — Hur’s work signals a mind turning over on itself repeatedly. The results are layered and convoluted; pristine and balanced.”
-Faith McClure, ArtsAtl